With everything happening in the world today
I think it is meaningfull to be aware of your roots and
connect with them, so to honor your ancestors and have a better understanding of who they were and who you are. Sometimes through conversation ,reading
or research but for me connecting also happens through painting. My energy and heart merge with the subject or person i am painting. This feels like i come home to myself a little bit more everytime.
I believe that by looking back (at your family, who they are and where they came from ) you look forward.
Sometimes this is a difficult path, but it will help you show parts of yourself that need to be seen in order to grow.
This is what the ROOTS series is about for me.
Connecting with my black roots. Painting this series felt like therapy and healing. For the series i asked my father, a photographer, to select pictures of the
family. These pictures were my inspiration.
I love how, my father being somehow involved in my process, feels full circle.